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Pattaya Investments - Find businesses for sale

ID: EF0802034

South Pattaya Commercial Building for Sale
Locate: South Pattaya, , Thailand


For Sale
For Rent



South Pattaya Commercial Building for Sale. Developers provide cheap replica handbags to women online.

A corner complex of four adjoining 5-story shop houses in South Pattaya, 30-meters off Second Road. Currently consisting of 32 basic rental rooms and a massage parlor. A beer bar in front of the building is leased out. Could be renovated as a first-class hotel in an excellent central location. The property is priced at 29-million baht.



On Request



South Pattaya, Pattaya, Pattaya, Thailand


South Pattaya, , Thailand


Presented by : Agent
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Brokered by : Pattaya Investments
Building ID : EF0802034

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