The present owner has operated the business profitably for the past three years and is ready to retire. Three millionseven hundred thousand baht has been invested in decoration, fixtures and equipment. Located in a leased 4 story, double shophouse ( 30,000. baht monthly) just, 100 meters from the beach, on a very popular and busy soi.
There are 35 attractive dancers/hostesses in this 100 seat Go-Go. The present lease runs until Nov., 2011, at which time, 800,000 will need to be paid upon re-newal of the lease for another three years. Annual profits are reported to us as 3 million baht. Asking a negotiable 9 million baht.
On Request
Presented by : Agent Name : Info... Brokered by : Pattaya Investments Business ID : EE0810078
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